Stake your Spaceboys or add them to liquidity pools for earned yield rewards!

SpaceBoys NFTX VAULT is LIVE!!!

What we staking?:

NFTX is a platform for creating liquid markets for illiquid Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Users deposit their NFT into an NFTX vault and mint a fungible ERC20 token (vToken) that represents a claim on a random asset from within the vault. vTokens can also be used to redeem a specific NFT from a vault.

Benefits include:

  • Liquidity Pool and stake minted vTokens to earn yield rewards

  • Better distribution and price discovery for NFT projects

  • Instantly sell any NFT by minting it as an ERC20 and swapping via Sushiswap

  • Increased liquidity for NFT investors and speculators

Who Benefits From NFTX?


NFTs in their basic form do not earn yield. However, when they are used to mint vTokens they can tap into the world of decentralized finance. Put simply, collectors can use NFTX to unlock more value from their NFTs:

  • Earn protocol fees

  • Earn trading fees as a liquidity provider

  • Farm with stablecoins using vTokens as loan collateral

Content Creators

By launching on the NFTX protocol, content creators are able to earn protocol fees in perpetuity whilst also improving the reach and fairness of distribution:

  • Earn protocol fees

  • Distribute NFTs via an AMM in the form of vTokens

  • Create instantly liquid markets for new content


NFTs are typically highly illiquid and difficult to price. NFTX makes speculating and investing in the NFT market a far simpler process:

  • Access the most liquid markets for NFTs

  • Track the price of particular categories of NFT

FAQ: https://docs.nftx.io/v/v2.0/faq

Source: https://docs.nftx.io/v/v2.0/

Last updated